

Tag: press release

Ad Lagendijk Ad Lagendijk 19 March 2010

How to publicize your paper?

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Posted in Getting published, Tips

After your paper has been accepted should you just sit and waitI suppose that your paper has been accepted for publication in a scientific  journal. You successfully rebutted all the comments of the referees. Great.

But now, what do you do next?  Just and wait and sit for you to become famous automatically? It depends on the quality of the paper. If this was just a middle-of-the-road paper spending time on its promotion seems a waste. But what if you are very proud and you are convinced this really is an important result? An interview on national tv would be great.

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Klaas Wynne Klaas Wynne 16 February 2009

Gebakken lucht (‘baked air’)

Posted in Getting published, Tips

In the olden days, you had to do a lot of hard work, a lot of well thought-through research, in order to get a paper published, and that was it. In the not quite so olden days, just publishing your results was not enough: you also had to push your results to the general press. A press release might help and a few really exiting results might make it to the newspapers. Today, all you need is an idea and a well-written press release, not something as old-fashioned as a result.

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