

Tag: Nature

Ad Lagendijk Ad Lagendijk 30 March 2012

Should editors of Science and Nature socialize with scientists?

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Posted in Conferences, Ethics, Getting published, politics

In this post the ever increasing socializing with journal editors at conferences is critically discussed. Suggestions are put forward to make the social role of junior scientists more prominent at conferences  and preventing the successful scientists from taking it all.

Table of content

Social dimension

My relatives think that scientists work in a lab, discover something, write a paper about it and get famous.

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Ad Lagendijk Ad Lagendijk 16 March 2010

In web 2.0 learned societies could rule the Internet

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Posted in Web 2.0

The Internet is here to stay. Besides its many advantages two major drawbacks are daily visible: (i) abuse of anonymity and (ii) lack of quality control of presented information. These two issues are related: if  an onymous (pun intended) person with an impeccable reputation endorses an article on the web, chances are high that the paper is indeed of quality.

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